Find out who’s talking about you, measure the general sentiment about your brand or product and engage directly with customers. Sether allows you to constantly monitor relevant keywords and to gain insight about your digital tribe, through easy to follow graphics and statistics.

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Get Started with Media Monitoring

1. Keyword Monitoring

Get ready to deep dive into your digital presence and gain valuable consumer insights by accessing millions of posts indexed per day, including news and blogs.

2. Free Overview check

Overview and refine your search keywords until you are happy with your parameters and gain valuable insights with no extra costs.

3. Sentiment Analysis

Find out how consumers feel about your brand using Sether’s AI powered Sentiment Analysis.

4. Direct content engagement

Monitor all comments and articles relevant for your set keywords and engage directly through the Sether Console. No need to go from page to page.

5. Turn data into consumer insight

Graphic Timeline Overview

Making sense of data is easier with graphs. Organizing the data you collect online within a timeline enables you to better understand it and it also helps you with your planning.

Results Statistics

Hello, insightful statistics! Sether provides a set of extended data analysis tools that filter your data and draw important insights, according to specific patterns: area, time, information density, gender and many more.

Keyword Tag Cloud

Simple data representation for busy marketers. Get a bird’s eye view over many keyword searches with our tag cloud.

Free Database Analysis

Do you need a more personalized approach? You can analyze and rearrange your query results according to different filters and search parameters without any extra costs.

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